
  • Three quick tips to improve your e-mail engagement rates

    When it comes to e-mail campaigns each marketer has a singular goal in mind. Getting that all-important click or conversion. Converting the reader to app-user or product-buyer with an amazingly and elaborately crafted e-mail and customer journey. Capturing the attention of your reader is hard, but getting them to engage, to interact, with your content…

  • Three easy-to-use data-collection tools you can start using today

    Are you thinking of running a survey or using a form for methods to gather feedback, or collect sign-ups for an event? Over time I’ve had the joy (and agony) of working with various tools and software to collect all kinds of data throughout my short career. From Customer Service satisfaction data to email addresses,…

  • Welcome to “It is Leon”!

    Welcome, to my own space on the internet! It is a pleasure to have you here as a reader. I hope to be able to help you along in your goals, both professionally and personally. I aim to do so by sharing my experiences, case-studies and insights I have gained over the last 12 years…